The mermaid sculpture ‘Sirena de Coruña” sits on the edge of Ensenada del Orzán (Bay of Orzán) in the city of A Coruña in northern Spain.
She looks out over the water towards the rest of the city, waving to ships and boats in the bay, and greeting the setting sun each evening.
She was created by Márgara Hernández Smet in 1995. The sculpture is also known as La Sirena del Orzán, and refers to a local legend. The legend has it that a young woman drowned here on Matadero Beach, and then later emerged from the sea as a mermaid to forever remind people of the dangers of the sea.

There is a wide public beach nearby and a walkway from the street level above down to this area where she can be viewed.
The city has several monuments to local heroes who have perished while trying to save others from drowning in the bay.
More photos and information on this sculpture can be seen on the page dedicated to Sirena del Orzán, the La Sirena de Coruna.
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