A Mermaid movement is gaining momentum, and is already changing the world and the situation of our oceans dying is getting some serious help from our Mermaid friends.
With a passion for Mermaids and ocean conservation, there are multiple performing Mermaids and Mermen doing something to protect our global waters. Mermaids are the perfect symbol to bridge the gap between man-made pollution and the importance of sea life and ocean preservation.
Here are some top performing Merfolk to follow and support in their ocean conservation efforts.
Mermaid Kat – Helping our Finned Friends

Mermaid Kat is one all around amazing Mermaid! She has a product line as well as a mermaid school. She is a lifelong environmentalist. One particular area she is passionate about is saving our finned friends, sharks and dolphins. In 2006 she founded SharkChance” discouraging people from eating shark fins. Since then she has run multiple campaigns such as Swim for Sharks, Save our Fins, and Project AWARE Finathon, bringing awareness about the cruelties inflicted on sharks and dolphins.
Mermaid Mahina – Reducing Toxic Waste

Kazzie Mahina started out in 2004 as a mermaid tail designer and has turned into one of the highest sought after Professional Mermaids in media. Mahina was the creator of the first functional mermaid fin to hit the planet – the Mahina MerFin pioneered the idea of mermaiding as a watersport lifestyle and was also the first eco-friendly fin, made of natural and recycled rubber.
Mahina is a lead ambassador for Save The Mermaids project which focuses on education around custodianship for our oceans and planet. She believes humans have a stewardship in caring for the sea. Her “Merpod” advocates the preservation of marine life and the reduction of marine debris in the sense of living a life that reduces toxic waste and creates a better more beautiful world. Other organizations she supports are Tangaroa Blue Ocean Care society, and Australian Marine Debris Initiative
Mermaid Linden – Saving Our Coral Reefs
Mermaid Linden Wolbert is a leading Mermaid-preneur, as well as a huge advocate for protecting global coral reefs, and on the Board of Reef Check Worldwide. Reef Check Worldwide helps protect our reefs’ fragile ecosystems and work to create partnerships with organizations which volunteer and educate on the value of healthy coral reefs.
Hannah Mermaid – Swimming for Charity

Hannah Fraser is not only a world acclaimed performing artist and underwater mermaid, she is an ocean activist. She travels the world performing for charity projects bringing awareness to the precious life in our oceans contain. She has appeared in multiple movies all while swimming with sharks, dolphins, whales, seals, manta rays and more! Her strong passion is making some really big waves. Photographer credits go to Kristian Schmidt
Mermaid Melissa – Spreading The Word
Mermaid Melissa is so passionate about helping save our oceans, she changed her legal name to “Mermaid Melissa”. She is actively involved with ocean projects generating awareness by swimming with animals for photo shoots, films, documentaries, and even movies. This will hopefully inspire others, and make them aware of our ocean friends who need our help.
Merman Chris – Marine Biologist and Spokesman

Chris is not only an aquatic performer, but also Marine Biologist, and passionate about ocean preservation as Merman. He is a spokesperson for the conservation of the Chesapeake bay, as well as an active volunteer and member of the ACT program supporting safe and effective beach clean up for the National Aquarium in Baltimore.
We support and admire our Mermaid friends for living out their dreams and helping our environment. We hope you are inspired by their efforts and personally find an organization in your area to help make our world a better place.
This article was written by Molly Nye, owner of the website Everything Mermaid
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