At Visakhapatnam Beach in India you will find 7 mermaid statues just off the road, as part of an overall colorful sculpture. ( map )

Now what is the word for a group of mermaids – a flock, school, troup, bevy, family, herd, pod, club?
I have seen some interesting suggestions – an envy of mermaids, a parade of mermaids, a mermer of mermaids, a figment of mermaids.
Suggestions anyone?
More data is needed on this mermaid sculpture. If you have relevant information, please contact us.
Additional images: More images are needed of these mermaid statues. If you would like to help with additional photographs of this sculpture, please contact us. Photos must be yours, 10 megapixel or better. We can only accept photos if you give us full rights to use them in print and digital media.