The little Malente Mermaid sits on a rock just a few feet from a lakeside trail by the Dieksee Lake. This is an area of numerous lakes and small forests, with many of the lakes linked by the River Schwentine. map
This mermaid seems to me by far the most casual and carefree of the many mermaid statues I have found in Germany. Sitting on her rock, playing with her hair amid lush forests, deep blue water and abundant wildlife, she is a "nixie" – a German water sprite or freshwater mermaid.
She was created by German sculptor and painter Kurt Grabert.
The inscription on a pillar on the shore states:
The Malente Seamaid
by artist Kurt Grabert
Donated by
KwS Kieswerke Sieversdorf
Hans-Peter Wandhoff
The Dieksee lake covers 950 acres and is home to abundant wildlife, so the mermaid has plenty of company.
● The Mermaids of Earth coffee-table book: See page 53 in the book about this sculpture.