The Amaryllis Art for Charity project has placed AMA mermaid statues all over the world, with each mermaid statue uniquely made and customized for its location.
‘AMA’ is the Japanese word for the ‘Ladies of the Sea’ who are famous for diving and collecting pearls. The mermaid statues are named ‘AMA’ followed by the location name and each comes inscribed with its name and coordinates inscribed in the statue base.
The statues are for sale, with about one third of the proceeds dedicated to a charity jointly chosen by the project organizers and the local sponsors. The idea and the generous funding came from Thomas Noor, as a brilliant way of bringing beautiful art to many communities and benefiting local charities at the same time.

The original AMA statue was created by Amaryllis Bataille, who has many other statues and sculptures to her credit, including several mermaids.
For Amaryllis, the concept and the message is that AMA and her sisters have come up from their world to explore ours, and to remind us that our origin was in the oceans. They tell us that we are poisoning their world and endangering many species, and ask for our help in reversing this, to preserve the endangered species and the oceans.
These are the AMA mermaid statues thus far:

- AMA Lorelei
- AMA Du Parc
- AMA Victoria
- Austria:
- AMA Alpina
- Thailand:
- AMA Andaman
South Korea:
- AMA de Sanoviv
- AMA Yeatman (in Porto)
United States:
- AMA Maria (in San Antonio)
- AMA Tarpon Springs (Florida)
This map shows the locations of the AMA mermaid statues placed so far, with a link from each location to the page for that particular mermaid.
View AMA Mermaid Statues Map in a full screen map
Charity Art projects abound actually. Check out also this article on a number of art for charity projects here: